Contact Information
Phone: (973) 423-4030
Fax: (973) 423-4031
Email Us:

Payment Instructions
Quick Links

View the current Exhibitor Floor Plan for this show and make plans to join us in Chicago.

Your company is invited to share its innovative products and services with an estimated 100 attendees for this seminar. Attendance at this seminar demonstrates your leadership in the industry while connecting with clients, potential clients and even your competitors to share the latest technology available in the industry.

The Exhibitor Floor Plan is subject to change based on program needs.



Exhibitors - $995 for DFI Members; $1195 for Non-Members (includes one person's full registration and a  8’ wide x 4’ deep exhibit space)

Exhibit Space includes:

  • 1 6ft skirted table
  • 2 Chairs
  • 1 Wastebasket
  • Electric 
  • Wireless Internet Access 



Additional Exhibit Attendees must register for the Event.

Exhibitors are expected to set-up and break-down at posted times. A fee of $250.00 will be billed to companies for late set-up or early break-down.

Inbound Shipments

To ship your items for your Exhibit Space, please send them to the following address no sooner than Friday, September 14, 2018.  The University of Illinois cannot accept any shipments before this date. 

UIC Meetings & Conferences

c/o DFI Energy Foundations Seminar

Deliver to 3rd Floor Conference Center Prairie Room

750 S. Halsted

Chicago, IL 60607


Outbound Shipments

Return shipments can be coordinated through the local UPS Store. A representative will pick up outbound shipments from the University on Wednesday, September 19th. Here is the chart of fees. Please let Angie Gibble know if you plan to use this service. She will be assisting in coordinating with the UPS Store.

UPS Store #5608 - Chicago
1074 W. Taylor Street

Chicago, IL 60607

(312) 226-8700

Contact: Erica


Exhibitors should be prepared to store their cases and containers within their booth. Neither DFI nor the University can accommodate exhibitor storage. DFI reserves the right to adjust booth locations based on program changes.


Tuesday, September 18
Exhibitor Set-Up: 7:30 a.m. - 8:30 a.m.

Exhibition Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Exhibitor Break Down: 8:00 p.m. 

*subject to change based on program needs


Interested in gaining additional exposure for your company? Consider underwriting the conference. Doing so demonstrates your commitment to knowledge and your leadership in the industry.

You may register for this Conference using a major Credit Card, Debit Card, PayPal, Check or Purchase Order. Check payments due within 30 days of registration and made payable to DFI.

For wire payments, contact

Cancellations must be made in writing by mail, email or fax to: 
Deep Foundations Institute
326 Lafayette Avenue 
Hawthorne, NJ 07506 
Memo: Energy '18
Fax: (973) 423-4031

Refunds for Registration will not be issued after Friday, September 1, 2018.   However, you may transfer your registration to another DFI Member.

Refunds for Exhibit Space will not be issued after Friday, August 17, 2018.
Images of individuals may be captured by the Deep Foundations Institute (DFI) during events/activities organized and hosted by DFI using still photography, video or any other medium. DFI reserves the right to use such images on the DFI website, in Deep Foundations Magazine, in newsletters and/or other publicity material. By registering and/or participating in a DFI event/activity, the persons whose images are captured during such an event consent to the use of said images by DFI as described above.
I agree to receive email from DFI relating to its events, membership, and publications as well as newsletters, updates, and other announcements.