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WiDF Networking Reception

Wednesday, June 3, 2020 | 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Location and Ticket Price: To Be Announced

Plans are in motion for DFI’s Women in Deep Foundations Networking Reception at SuperPile ’20 in St. Louis, Missouri. Meet and Greet with the women and men of DFI’s Women in Deep Foundations Committee at this not-to-be-missed annual networking reception to kick-off the conference. The location will be announced, and notifications sent to all registered conference attendees, soon.
Historically, the reception has attracted 100-125 guests who are attending SuperPile ’20. Non-conference attendees are welcome for a nominal upcharge. Enjoy a cocktail reception, premium open bar and hors d’ oeuvres during the evening. Proceeds will benefit the DFI Educational Trust Women in Deep Foundations Fund.
At the reception, attendees will show their continued support for the WiDF Committee by wearing a beaded, hand-crafted lanyard especially designed for the group. Don't have one? They will be available for sale at the reception and conference for only $25. Proceeds will benefit the general activities of the WiDF Committee. You may pay by check, cash or credit card.
For more information, contact DFI at events@dfi.org.

Become a WiDF Event Sponsor

Please consider showing support for retaining women in the deep foundations committee by underwriting this event as a sponsor. General sponsorships are $500 and help defray the costs for this great time of connection. View this PowerPoint Presentation to learn more about the committee, its work and more.

WiDF Sponsors

$500 Contribution