Full Name | Company | Job Title |
Del Bigtree | (not set) | Producer on the daytime talk show The Doctors, a filmmaker and an investigative medical journalist. |
Monika Buerger | (not set) | (not set) |
Ted Carrick | (not set) | (not set) |
Ron Chhinzer | (not set) | (not set) |
Lona Cook | (not set) | (not set) |
Bryan Gatterman | (not set) | (not set) |
Brad Glowaki | (not set) | (not set) |
Heidi Haavik | New Zealand College of Chiropractic | Director of Research |
Marc Hudson | (not set) | (not set) |
Peter Kevorkian | (not set) | (not set) |
Ryan Lazarus | (not set) | (not set) |
Jamie Motley | (not set) | (not set) |
Dan Murphy | (not set) | (not set) |
Jimmy Nanda | (not set) | (not set) |
Ron Oberstein | (not set) | (not set) |
Colin O’Brady | (not set) | (not set) |
Jeanne Ohm | (not set) | (not set) |
Scott Rosa | (not set) | (not set) |
Martin Rosen | (not set) | (not set) |
Annette Schippel | (not set) | (not set) |