Full Name
Britney Daniels
Job Title
ER RN, BNS, MSN I Author I 6 time Daisy Award nominee
Speaker Bio
Britney is a seasoned ER nurse and unyielding advocate for racial equality. She is the debut author of Journal of a Black Queer Nurse, an eye-opening story that recounts the unparalleled experiences she’s endured while traveling and working across the United States. Already on the cusps of a prolific nursing career, Britney’s experiences and skills extend across disciplines from emergency care to reproductive health. To date, she has received six Daisy Award nominations, a recognition program for extraordinary nurses.
Britney is an immersed member of the Black community, relentlessly advocating for social justice and equality, and has attended and volunteered at multiple protests and rallies since high school. Fortified by the stifling opposition she’s faced and overcome because of her gender, race, and sexuality, she carries a unique perspective of the challenges encountered by people like her, in and out of healthcare.
Britney is an immersed member of the Black community, relentlessly advocating for social justice and equality, and has attended and volunteered at multiple protests and rallies since high school. Fortified by the stifling opposition she’s faced and overcome because of her gender, race, and sexuality, she carries a unique perspective of the challenges encountered by people like her, in and out of healthcare.
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