Best Practices for Handling Unsafe Situations: Panel Discussion
Date & Time
Monday, September 18, 2023, 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Melissa Knybel

Travelers can experience clinical errors and patient incidents just the same as full-time staff in any healthcare setting. The difference is Travelers are required to face these issues without the benefit of an onsite advocate that exclusively represents their interests. Travelers often experience isolation and are not fully informed of the resources provided to them by their employer to deal with these incidents. As a "Temp", Travelers can face discrimination when it comes to incident and problem investigations and are not provided with the same due diligence as would a full-time staff person in the same role. In this session, an expert panel of clinical liaisons will talk about some of the most common issues that arise in a travel assignment and discuss best practices for handling those situations. We will also discuss the recent criminal conviction imposed upon TN RN RaDonda Vaught and the potential impact this may have on all healthcare providers.

Location Name
Champagne 4
Full Address
Paris Las Vegas
3655 S Las Vegas Blvd
Las Vegas, NV 89109
United States
Session Slides
Session Type
General Session
Speaker Page