How Selling on eBay Can Make a Big Payday for You!
Date & Time
Thursday, November 2, 2017, 2:25 PM - 3:20 PM

If you want to sell more parts off of each vehicle faster, you need easy access to more buyers. eBay offers just that- an online global marketplace already filled with 150+ million active buyers, and with three (3) car parts sold on eBay every second, you have a serious opportunity to sell more! Which is why Hollander has exclusively partnered with eBay Motors to make selling online faster, easier and more profitable for the automotive recycler. In this sessions eBay experts from Hollander will review eBay growth trends, product sale trends, real-world eBay recycler success stories, and a simple roadmap to get you started. If you want your parts seen and sold, you cant afford to miss this session.
led by: Jordan Schware & Amanda Urban (Hollander)
Location Name
Reunion B
Full Address
Hyatt Regency Dallas
300 Reunion Boulevard East
Dallas, Texas 75207
United States
300 Reunion Boulevard East
Dallas, Texas 75207
United States