Chiropractic in India: Challenges, Opportunities & Lessons for U.S. Chiropractors
Date & Time
Friday, August 16, 2019, 10:45 AM - 11:10 AM

Chiropractic is growing in India, where there is a strong tradition of conservative health practices. A number of holistic/chiropractic health centers, including one associated with Life Chiropractic College West, are opening or under discussion. This is an opportunity to dramatically increase health outcomes in a low income, medically underserved population. Lessons learned can improve health care services and outcomes in our own practices and communities at home. In this talk, you’ll learn to : Utilize chiropractic for medically fragile cases/populations Understand potential for chiropractors as part of primary care teams Learn how and why chiropractic is gaining momentum in India
# of CEUs
Jimmy Nanda