Full Name
Larry Johnson
Job Title
Larry Johnson Consulting Services
Speaker Bio
Larry Johnson is the CEO of Larry Johnson Consulting Services, a visual merchandising advisory firm based in Colleyville, Texas. His firm works with independent retailers around the world to increase profits by improving the presentation of their merchandise. The firm has consulted with scores of retail jewelry stores around the world since its inception in 2014. Larry is the author of “The complete guide to effective jewelry display” the most widely known book on jewelry merchandising in existence. His book was used as the primary textbook in the GIA visual merchandising classes. He has written years of monthly columns for INSTORE, Retail Jeweler and Canadian Jeweller magazines. He holds 3 US patents for display applications. He is a frequent speaker on the subject of visual merchandising at industry events around the world. In the past, Larry served as CEO of Chippenhook and Coastal Display Group. He was a Senior VP at International Packaging and Pacific Northern.