Safety Policies
Considering the COVID-19 pandemic and commitment to our Louisiana Foodservice & Hospitality Expo 2021 participants, your health and wellbeing are our most important priority. LRA works closely with the New Orleans Hotels, the New Orleans Convention Center, and our other event partners to develop and implement health and safety measures and best safety practices for LRA Showcase 2021.
Your attendance at LRA Showcase 2021 is entirely voluntary. As such, your attendance at LRA Showcase 2021 is at your own risk, and you voluntarily assume any risks and hazards, including, and without limitation, personal injury, illness, or otherwise, and with this release LRA of any liability related to your attendance.
- The 3 W’s: Wear a mask, Wash your hands & Wait 6ft apart.
- Masks should be always worn in public and event spaces
- Daily temperature checks for all entering the event
- Six-foot social distancing in all public and specialty areas
- Hand sanitizers will also be located throughout the lobbies and all event spaces
- Signs will be located throughout the event, indicating safety procedures for the event
- One-way aisle traffic in event areas
- Show entrance queue lines with floor 6’ social distancing signs will be set up in the Lobby areas.
- Water has been turned off to all drinking fountains.
- Exhibitors will routinely disinfect their exhibit space
- Hand sanitizers will be located at each restroom.
- Registration counters and lines be spread out to accommodate social distancing. Plexiglass will separate the registration staff from the attendees.
- Nightly disinfectant cleaning to occur before the show opens the next day.
- Food and/or beverages will not be able to be touched by other guests.
- Food and/or beverages will only be given to the person who has ordered the item.